Monthly Archives: March 2018

25 03, 2018

Diversity in Inuit Art

By |2020-03-30T08:26:19-04:00March 25th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Inuit Art|0 Comments

Despite all originating in the frozen Artic, I think it's fair to say that diversity is one of the defining elements of Inuit art. Yes, it is possible to see many sculptures on the same subject, such as caribou, family or shamanic beliefs. How these topics are depicted, however, are as individualistic as the artists. Take a look and decide if you agree with me.

8 03, 2018

The Inuit Sedna

By |2020-03-30T08:26:34-04:00March 8th, 2018|Categories: Inuit Art|0 Comments

Many Inuit sculptures depict animals and lifestyle in the Arctic, which are easy subjects to comprehend within our experience. We are familiar with polar bears, seals, birds and other species, as well as with common activities, such as hunting, giving birth, family life and the like. However, myths that are foreign to our experience also a major focus of Inuit art. The most widespread Inuit myth is that of the Sedna or mermaid (part woman, part fish), who was Goddess of the Sea.

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