Monthly Archives: September 2019

30 09, 2019

Is There a Science Behind the Violence?

By |2020-03-28T20:21:29-04:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Perpectives|0 Comments

Our history has not been a quiet one. Books like Ron Chernow’s extensive biography, Grant, aptly demonstrate that we have slaughtered one another since inception of the United States.

Is it possible that trauma can alter genetics of both the perpetrators, the victims and their progeny? Scientists are currently exploring the possibility. What they find, may help us to break the cycle of violence.

30 09, 2019

Joram creates an intriguing world between life and death

By |2019-09-30T15:34:43-04:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Reviews & Testimonials|Tags: |0 Comments

"Dying is very relaxing," we learn in Notes Going Underground. One character attends his own funeral to hear unexpected praise from unforeseen sources.  Another makes a mistake; he attends the wrong funeral. A third meets her father for the first time before he tries to cross the “No Trespassing law of Nature.” “Dead and alive [...]

30 09, 2019

A riveting book about death that’s alive with brilliant prose and pathos

By |2019-09-30T12:11:05-04:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Reviews & Testimonials|Tags: |0 Comments

“Piatigorsky delivers a riveting book [Notes Going Underground] about death that’s alive with brilliant prose and pathos. We’ll all get there in time, but  Piatigorsky illuminates the ultimate journey with special meaning.” Neal P. Gillen, author of Rendezvous in Rockefeller and other books and short stories.

30 09, 2019

Literally turns death upside down, into a prism of life

By |2019-09-30T12:10:16-04:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Reviews & Testimonials|Tags: |0 Comments

“This extraordinary work of imagination, a series of thought experiments, literally turns death upside down, into a prism of life.  In these stories ripe with complexity and character, Piatigorsky explores the borderline of relationships facing the ultimate breaking point, mixing the profound with the simple and always finding the most human element.   A pleasure [...]

30 09, 2019

Joram Piatigorsky once again delivers … depth and astounding insight …

By |2019-09-30T12:10:47-04:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Reviews & Testimonials|Tags: |0 Comments

Joram Piatigorsky once again delivers on a promise made in his past work, offering both depth and astounding insight into human nature. Where his previous work focused more on love and yearning, Notes Going Underground takes us into much darker alleyways, those that meander through the vast shadowy landscape between life and death. While this [...]

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