Monthly Archives: November 2020

24 11, 2020

What time is it, really?

By |2020-11-24T10:30:31-05:00November 24th, 2020|Categories: Blog|2 Comments

Time can be precise, relative or subjective; it can be viewed as past, present or future. It’s ironic that despite time’s dominant influence in our lives and conceptual importance in understanding the universe, time remains too elusive for a single definition. For example, Italian theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli provides a fascinating discussion of time in [...]

10 11, 2020


By |2021-02-27T09:02:35-05:00November 10th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Perpectives|0 Comments

...But the next election rescued you from imminent disaster. Finally, a normal person comes along, a good dude, miraculously wins, becomes president. Yes!  ... However, the defeated villain doesn’t say, “I’m sorry. Good luck. I’m behind you all the way. ..."  Instead of an olive branch, he/she grabs a golf club and says, “See, I won. Smashed par like I smashed everything else. I’m a smasher!"... The stoplight has turned from red to green. I don’t need a policeman’s blessing or a driver’s manual to know that I can push the accelerator and continue my journey.

5 11, 2020

Evolution of Friendship

By |2020-11-05T14:46:15-05:00November 5th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Perpectives|0 Comments

A recent Science magazine article on aging chimpanzees and social interactions caught my eye, and not just because I’m aging myself. Evolution is fascinating! Socially Speaking Social theory suggests we humans put greater awareness on social relationships as we age. One theory is that this is due to our increasing awareness of the passage [...]

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