Off-The-Shelf-Series-2-What-book-are-you-reading-now-YOUTUBE-2.0.1.mp4 transcript powered by Sonix—easily convert your video to text with Sonix.

Off-The-Shelf-Series-2-What-book-are-you-reading-now-YOUTUBE-2.0.1.mp4 was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the latest audio-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors. Sonix is the best video automated transcription service in 2020. Our automated transcription algorithms works with many of the popular video file formats.

I'm reading Becoming Wild. I'm just in the middle of reading it, and it's about the the tremendous amount of culture that exists among among animals, among different kinds. And one of the most intriguing ones are whales that really started off in on land. They went back to the sea. They're they have brains bigger than er, than humans in terms of larger capacities and to be able to think in an abstract way.

And it turns out that whales have enormous cultural lives in which different species are different ones.

This particular book concentrates on sperm whales where they have family life in which they're constantly in contact. They're constantly taking care of one another. They're constantly talking about what to one another in various formats of communication with all their clicks and their songs and their their ways of life are actually, according to the studies that have been done, very complex, very much like having inner lives and inner desires and ways of life that are actually fascinating and I think would be very, very interesting and very rich to be experiencing such a life as in the whales.

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A Renaissance in studies of animal behavior and cultures seems to be taking place. There is a greater understanding and appreciation of our nonhuman ancestors. This new understanding challenges us to reconsider the source of our capacity to create complex cultures, perform abstract thought, and work cooperatively.

Read more in my blog, “What if We Behaved Like Animals?” 

Additional Books on Animal Behavior

In addition to Becoming Wild, I found these books on animal behavior informative and engaging:

Alex & Me
The Evolution of Beauty
The Bird Way: A New Look at How Birds Talk, Work, Play, Parent, and Think.

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