“Let me put it this way, Bettina. Love is a little like the uncertainty principle that you studied in physics. If you describe the electromagnetic forces attracting one Cloudlet to another it becomes impossible to recognize the tingling associated with love, which is also about attraction. However, if you focus on a fluctuation within your orbitals caused by an invasion of this messy, queasy thing called love that also attracts two Cloudlets, the physics becomes blurry and you’d better watch out.”
“Have my orbitals ever fluctuated with love?”
“I don’t think so, anyway I hope not, thank goodness, but I’m worried. It could happen. It’s Henle.”
Bettina glowed violet again and fluffed her edges more than usual, but she remained quiet. Adolescent Cloudlets were capable of learning and she was trying.
“That’s why I want to tell you the legend of Starglow and Salawanda. You need to know about the importance of love-contraception.”
“I’m all ears, mom. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Ears! Weird. Go on.”
“Okay, listen carefully.”
“Starglow, an independent THOUGHT, had been on several assignments. The Vibratoms that he infected never got bored. One of his Vibratom inhabitants actually increased the speed of Brownian motion during his occupancy and illuminated the surroundings with a rosy glow. Some say that was the origin of Starglow’s name.
“One day in a remote dust field the Vibratoms started getting bored because the RULERS had neglected to switch THOUGHTS around and introduce new ones. This was brought to the RULERS attention just before the elections and so they immediately switched THOUGHTS around and also sent some new ones to this troublesome dust field before it was too late. Starglow was among the new THOUGHTS. When he got to the dust field Brownian motion was already severely reduced and the sheen was gone from many of the Vibratoms. The RULERS assigned one particularly small Vibratom to Starglow. He slithered in through her snotchel between thermolocutors, as usual. Some things never change.
“In general when Starglow infected a new Vibratom, he was all business. He would go directly to the solemnichamber, poke around a bit to get a sense of what kind of delivery – monotonic, enthusiastic or somewhere in between – would be most effective for that Vibratom. If Starglow had a fault, it was his lack of spontaneity. But there was something special and different about this Vibratom that made Starglow tingle.
“Much to his own surprise, Starglow broke tradition and said, “Hi there, I’m your new inhabitant THOUGHT. Glad to infect you.”
“He was equally surprised when the Vibratom replied, “H-e-l-l-o.” This was very unusual.
“Starglow’s molecules rearranged to spell SALAWANDA. It was like a prophecy.
“Is your name Salawanda?” Starglow asked.
“Y-e-s,” she answered emitting a violet aura and then she wiggled just enough to tickle him.
“Stop it!” he insisted.
“Oh nonsense,” she said. “You’re googly.”
“Starglow’s perimeter started fluffing and his molecules began bumping into one another. It was said that he actually sang inside of Salawanda, as if serenading her. He had no idea that he felt love.”
“Great word, l-o-v-e,” muttered Bettina.
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