He was ravenously hungry and couldn’t wait for dinner. He had been nauseous yesterday and ate almost nothing, which was extremely irregular for him. Usually he devoured all, leaving not a morsel. Of all his friends, he was also the fastest eater. It was the only thing he felt competitive about. Clean up that dish. He acted as if he didn’t get it all in his stomach right away someone else would steal his food. He saw the world as dog eat dog, as it were. When he heard the words “it’s time to eat, are you ready?” it was music for his soul. Yes, he was absolutely ready for dinner. The food smelled delicious, juices flowed in his stomach, his mouth salivated. He wasn’t nauseous anymore. He gobbled everything down. Wonderful. He loved it. A little water at the end hit the spot. “Good boy,” praised his master, as he patted his head and scratched his floppy ears.

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