Enough division, conflict, fear, hatred. Enough, I say! We can’t act for others, but we can for ourselves. Perhaps others will join us.

Don’t just preach “Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards All.” That’s good intentions, but it won’t work. Take a lesson from history. It never has succeeded. We don’t make nice just because someone asks us to. Why expect it to work now? Being naïve has its charm but get real.

What will work? Here’s my proposition.

Band together, friend and foe – people of all colors and sizes and dominations and political persuasions – and offer to speak a universal language to defeat our common enemy, Covid-19. Let’s take  advantage of the deadly pandemic, the real enemy of the people, our common foe. Make the virus work for us. It has destroyed enough, much too much. Let’s tell our fellow humans that we will abandon animosity, distrust, sanctions, walls, punishing taxes and all the other nasty ways we choose to defeat each other. And then really do it, never mind the naysayers for once. Truly, pull back, retreat to move ahead. Offer peace by declaring an all-out war – in US, all the people on Earth, against IT, the tiny killer, invisible, yet in plain sight.

Can harmony replace distrust mixed with fear and all the other ways we use to push each other apart and destroy rather than build together? Perhaps, in a small way, as a first step. Maybe, just maybe, we can blend our heads with our hearts, if only for a little while at first, a test at reason.

Let’s reach within our shores and offer a truce for now, and then extend the same to all beyond our borders. It’s time to restore health. Let’s make life good, together.

Happy Holidays!