Flash Fiction

18 11, 2022


By |2022-11-21T15:25:23-05:00November 18th, 2022|Categories: Flash Fiction|0 Comments

Joram Piatigorsky reflects on Modern Times. Inspired by Charlie Chaplin. A friend recently asked if I would ever buy a fully electric car like the Tesla. Ah, I do love new technology; if only it loved me.... The fantasy of owning a beautiful new electric car starts out so well...

"Wow, I love my new electric car. It’s a beauty. Is Elon a genius, or what? The dash isn’t cluttered with any messy gauges and graphs and stuff. Clean as a whistle. And, what a computer screen! Looks like Broadway in New York. And the pickup! Holy shit. It scares me. Mom goes nuts and hangs on for dear life...."

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15 09, 2020

Amelia’s Defeat

By |2021-02-28T13:43:24-05:00September 15th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Flash Fiction|0 Comments

Amelia, a perfectionist, was crushed, bitterly disappointed, devastated. Depressed, she likened her failure to the cliché “snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.” She had been confident that this time – finally – she would achieve her aim. A lover of literature and retired after a successful career as a lawyer, she aspired to write and took a series of workshops in fiction.

12 05, 2020

The Dinner

By |2020-11-30T13:00:58-05:00May 12th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Flash Fiction|0 Comments

He had waited all week to meet her, and now the time had come.  The dinner reservations were made, he was shaved, his hair shampooed and carefully messed. This was his first date in over a year and his approaching fiftieth birthday scared him; he was ready, finally. Her blond hair glowed in the evening light and lay softly on her bare, pearly shoulders, revealing her thirty-something years.

13 01, 2020


By |2021-02-28T18:49:17-05:00January 13th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Flash Fiction|1 Comment

I knew that it was against the rules.  I promised my wife, Janice, that I would honor our mutual pledge “til death do us part.”

I am an honest man and do not break promises made in good conscience.  But there I was, 400 miles from home with Janice waiting faithfully for my return.  I had no doubts that she honors our pledge; I would never question it. Janice is completely trustworthy.  But Janice is not a man and has different needs. [Keep reading ...]

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