Jellyfish Have Eyes!

Yes, jellyfish have eyes. In fact, the complex jellyfish eye looks like a variation of the highly evolved human eye!

Some twenty-five years ago in the mid-1980s, midway through my fifty-year career in vision research, I learned that jellyfish have eyes. At the time I was chief of the Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental BiologyNational Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland.

As I ploughed through a book on invertebrate vision on reading, suddenly a life-changing moment arrived: a chapter on eyes of Cnidarians, the invertebrates that include corals, sea anemones and jellyfish.

Most cnidarians are plant-like animals stuck to the ground and don’t have eyes. But jellyfish are a different story.  I was amazed to learn that the cubomedusan jellyfish (known as box jellyfish due to their symmetrical shape) have sophisticated eyes. What most people consider slimy globs that sting if you touch them (the painful sting of the notorious Australian box jelly can be lethal) are actually animals that can see!

21 10, 2015

Ricardo and Galileo: Complex Hidden Feelings

By |2020-03-31T22:23:46-04:00October 21st, 2015|Categories: Blog, Jellyfish Have Eyes!, Ricardo Sztein|Tags: |1 Comment

Final drafts, like any marketed product, look polished, straightforward and consistent, but that’s not how they got there. Much is left out of any published book, or any final product for that matter. Final products shine as the tips of the creative process. Readers get little information on what thoughts and agonizing contradictions characters suffer [...]

19 06, 2015

“Interesting on many levels!”

By |2018-06-27T15:49:59-04:00June 19th, 2015|Categories: Jellyfish Have Eyes!|Tags: |0 Comments

A wonderful book! The book's main character is a scientist, an expert on diseases affecting eyes, who becomes fascinated by jellyfish. (They do have eyes…very complex eyes!) The book is interesting on many levels: the value of basic scientific research; the pressure to link research to medical advances in order to obtain funding, and the [...]

4 06, 2016

Joram reads from Jellyfish Have Eyes!

By |2020-04-02T21:19:03-04:00June 4th, 2016|Categories: Appearances, Jellyfish Have Eyes!|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Join Joram at the newly renovated Kensington, MD, library on June 16, 7-8 p.m., as he reads from his first novel, Jellyfish Have Eyes. About Jellyfish Have Eyes: It’s the year 2047. Deep in the mangrove swamps of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Sztein, an acclaimed government scientist, makes a breakthrough discovery: Jellyfish possess an astounding visual memory, even [...]

18 04, 2016

Animal “Gibberish”: A Whale of a Tale

By |2020-04-02T21:17:05-04:00April 18th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Jellyfish Have Eyes!, Science|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Ricardo, the protagonist in my novel Jellyfish Have Eyes speculated that jellyfish are smarter than we think, that they have a brain of sorts, and that they interact in jellyfish lingo that we don’t understand - gibberish talk. Jellyfish may be a bit extreme, but I think Ricardo makes his point: don’t be too sure that [...]

9 02, 2016

Unexpected Insights

By |2021-02-28T13:36:41-05:00February 9th, 2016|Categories: Jellyfish Have Eyes!, Perpectives, Writing is how we explore our place in the world|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

'Like messengers rising from the depths, they propelled themselves through the water effortlessly.' Many years ago I asked my father after I heard him play the Dvorak cello concerto if he ever got bored playing the same composition so often. “No,” he said, “because every time I play it, I learn something [...]

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