Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction2021-01-08T12:10:00-05:00

Although a science major at college, I loved literature courses and took quite a few and wrote a bit, ideas and such. While science dominated my life, I still liked writing, so I was prolific writing science. Then, at 46 and fully engaged as a scientist, I started writing a short story on vacation in Maine and loved creating an imaginary world. On returning home, I took writing workshops at The Writer’s Center in Bethesda, MD,  kept writing, more and more, and here I am, a writer.

Flash Fiction, often defined as a short fiction story under 1500 words, has been an invaluable tool in my writing journey. While some writers use the flash format as their medium of choice and still others view it as a gateway to longer short stories or novels, it has helped me to internalize the act of writing, the story arc and character development.

I hope you enjoy the very short stories below as much as I enjoyed writing them.

Flash Fiction


Joram Piatigorsky reflects on Modern Times. Inspired by Charlie Chaplin. A friend recently asked if I would ever buy a fully electric car like the Tesla. Ah, I do love new technology; if only it loved me.... The fantasy of owning a beautiful new electric car starts out so well...

"Wow, I love my new electric car. It’s a beauty. Is Elon a genius, or what? The dash isn’t cluttered with any messy gauges and graphs and stuff. Clean as a whistle. And, what a computer screen! Looks like Broadway in New York. And the pickup! Holy shit. It scares me. Mom goes nuts and hangs on for dear life...."

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