

26 04, 2023

Benefits of Calling Basic Research ‘Destination-free’ rather than ‘Curiosity-driven’

By |2023-05-01T09:56:36-04:00April 26th, 2023|Categories: Perpectives, Science|0 Comments

Not knowing the plot, which book would you be more likely to read: Love on the Way to Los Angeles or Innocence Lost? Love, well, it’s a dime a dozen, and on the way to Los Angeles is about a journey possibly for show business, hardly inspiring, novel, or informative. By contrast, innocence lost [...]

20 03, 2023

What’s Empty?

By |2023-03-20T20:41:50-04:00March 20th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Perpectives|0 Comments

A recent conversation with Dr. John Mather -- 2006 Nobel Laureate in physics for measuring the heat radiation from the Big Bang, and senior project scientist of the powerful Webb telescope launched by NASA -- was thought-provoking and inspiring. ... After thirty years in the making, the challenges didn't end with its launch. Where would this infrared telescope be programmed to look first? The answer surprised me. ... Where would you have looked first?

18 11, 2022


By |2022-11-21T15:25:23-05:00November 18th, 2022|Categories: Flash Fiction|0 Comments

Joram Piatigorsky reflects on Modern Times. Inspired by Charlie Chaplin. A friend recently asked if I would ever buy a fully electric car like the Tesla. Ah, I do love new technology; if only it loved me.... The fantasy of owning a beautiful new electric car starts out so well...

"Wow, I love my new electric car. It’s a beauty. Is Elon a genius, or what? The dash isn’t cluttered with any messy gauges and graphs and stuff. Clean as a whistle. And, what a computer screen! Looks like Broadway in New York. And the pickup! Holy shit. It scares me. Mom goes nuts and hangs on for dear life...."

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22 08, 2022

Sensitivity Readers

By |2022-08-24T09:59:27-04:00August 22nd, 2022|Categories: Perpectives|Tags: |0 Comments

On the front page of the New York Times (December 24, 2017), Alexandra Alter advanced the merits of so-called sensitivity readers, who look for underlying prejudices or misunderstandings in books and articles that might have unintended consequences. Sensitivity readers screen for slurs, discrimination or ignorance of cultural realities for the purpose of removing inadvertent bias [...]

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