Off-The-Shelf-Series-2-If-you-had-a-choice-between-two-superpowers-YOUTUBE-2.0.1.mp4 transcript powered by Sonix—easily convert your video to text with Sonix.

Off-The-Shelf-Series-2-If-you-had-a-choice-between-two-superpowers-YOUTUBE-2.0.1.mp4 was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the latest audio-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors. Sonix is the best video automated transcription service in 2020. Our automated transcription algorithms works with many of the popular video file formats.

Invisibility would be tempting. And flight is definitely my choice. In fact, this morning I was having breakfast and we have a bird feeder outside of our window on the breakfast table. And it's always sort of being used by all kinds of beautiful birds. They're coming and going, flying and coming. And I was thinking, it's absolutely unbelievable how they make use of the air to fly. But mainly what impressed me was the speed.

It takes only about two or three seconds for them to fly from, say, one place to another, which would take me probably several minutes to walk there. And so the speed of being able to move from one place to another is very, very tempting. And the lightness of it, the fact that there are no obstacles. It would be nice to be able to go someplace and know that it would be impossible for me to trip.

Automatically convert your video files to text with Sonix. Sonix is the best online, automated transcription service.

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Sonix uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence to convert your mp4 files to text.

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Reader Jordan K asks, “If you could choose between the superpowers of flight or invisibility, which would you pick?”

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